Once the excitement of the casting is over, a waiting period will commence. Patience is a virtue - that we need to have too! Clients can sometimes take days or weeks to call back to select the children they would like to use, or sometimes they simply call back straight after the casting. Unfortunately there are no designated time frames where we can say 'it always takes 3 days' or 'you will definitely hear tomorrow', because all production companies and clients have their own time schedule to work towards, and these vary. Some are pressed for time to meet deadlines, whilst others are planning well in advance. However, there are times when a client will let us know when the shoot is scheduled for, and in these cases we have a rough idea as to when we would be expecting a call. Especially if we have had to check your availability for shoot dates prior to attending the casting!
Why we can't promise to call you
This is an ongoing process, we have many children attending castings and unfortunately we do not physically have the man power in the office to call each and every parent to let them know that their child was not successful. We are constantly focusing on new jobs coming in, and organising current castings that are happening that week. Also, in light of the above detailed 'waiting' period - we do not jump the gun if we haven't heard back from the client in a week and assume that your child hasn't been selected, so we don't call to tell you 'we still haven't heard anything yet.' We encourage you to call us after a few days if you are dying to know (completely understandable!) and we can let you know the progress, if any thus far.
On not getting the job
Don't be disheartened, not everyone can get the job! That's the whole point of a casting - to meet everyone in person and assess who would be the best fit for the product or campaign. There is a lot more that goes into it than what meets the eye! Attending a casting or audition will help you to gain practice and an understanding of how everything works while building on your experience.
On getting the job
Congratulations! Whether it be your first job or your seventh, that rush of excitement is still the same. Be proud of yourself! You must have impressed the client on the day and can now relax and look forward to being featured in a catalogue or commercial - and get paid for it!
Booking process
The booking process will begin as soon as we have the confirmed date of the shoot. Depending on which state you live in and what age your child is, will depend on the relevant forms you will need to fill out. The day before a shoot we receive a 'call sheet' which will outline the times and location for the following day. More often than not, this will arrive in Anna's inbox closer to the end of the day than the start! We do call you as soon as we have the information, we will never purposely keep you in the dark with information you need to know so hang in there!
And when all the hard work is over....?