Friday, 28 June 2013

Casting 101 - Part 3 of 3



Once the excitement of the casting is over, a waiting period will commence. Patience is a virtue - that we need to have too! Clients can sometimes take days or weeks to call back to select the children they would like to use, or sometimes they simply call back straight after the casting. Unfortunately there are no designated time frames where we can say 'it always takes 3 days' or 'you will definitely hear tomorrow', because all production companies and clients have their own time schedule to work towards, and these vary. Some are pressed for time to meet deadlines, whilst others are planning well in advance. However, there are times when a client will let us know when the shoot is scheduled for, and in these cases we have a rough idea as to when we would be expecting a call. Especially if we have had to check your availability for shoot dates prior to attending the casting!

Why we can't promise to call you

This is an ongoing process, we have many children attending castings and unfortunately we do not physically have the man power in the office to call each and every parent to let them know that their child was not successful. We are constantly focusing on new jobs coming in, and organising current castings that are happening that week. Also, in light of the above detailed 'waiting' period - we do not jump the gun if we haven't heard back from the client in a week and assume that your child hasn't been selected, so we don't call to tell you 'we still haven't heard anything yet.' We encourage you to call us after a few days if you are dying to know (completely understandable!) and we can let you know the progress, if any thus far.

On not getting the job

Don't be disheartened, not everyone can get the job! That's the whole point of a casting - to meet everyone in person and assess who would be the best fit for the product or campaign. There is a lot more that goes into it than what meets the eye! Attending a casting or audition will help you to gain practice and an understanding of how everything works while building on your experience.

On getting the job

Congratulations! Whether it be your first job or your seventh, that rush of excitement is still the same. Be proud of yourself! You must have impressed the client on the day and can now relax and look forward to being featured in a catalogue or commercial - and get paid for it!

Booking process

The booking process will begin as soon as we have the confirmed date of the shoot. Depending on which state you live in and what age your child is, will depend on the relevant forms you will need to fill out. The day before a shoot we receive a 'call sheet' which will outline the times and location for the following day. More often than not, this will arrive in Anna's inbox closer to the end of the day than the start! We do call you as soon as we have the information, we will never purposely keep you in the dark with information you need to know so hang in there!

And when all the hard work is over....?

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Casting 101 - Part 2 of 3


We have looked at what happens before a casting, now let's look at what happens during the casting.

We have gathered a few important guidelines for you to follow so you can maximise your chances of making the best impression possible.

Our National Casting Manager Anna Armstrong shares her wise words and important tips:

'Punctuality is key. You have to be careful not to be too early, but you most certainly can't be late! Five minutes is early enough, there will usually be lots of kids attending the casting so the less crowded the better. Be prepared with scripts for acting auditions and be sure to practice prior to the casting and again in the car on the way there. 

If your child is at an appropriate age (around school age, 6-7 years old) encourage them to go into the casting room alone when they are called. This will display confidence, leadership and the capability to be separated from Mum or Dad for a short period of time and will give the client assurance that if picked for the job, they will be happy and at ease to do it. In saying that, by all means if you are not comfortable with your child going in on their own to read their script or meet with the client, do go in but be sure to try and stand at the back of the room so as not to probe your child with their lines. 

One of the other things I love the kids to do is to introduce themselves. A simple 'Hello, my name is _____ and I'm from Bettina Management' again demonstrates a high level of confidence with just a simple sentence. It is also really nice to thank the casting directors when you leave, try to remember to call them by their name (especially for the older kids). 

Lastly, stay away from the temptation of school uniform as much as possible! If your casting is after school, take a spare change of clothes and get changed in the car beforehand - neat and casual is a must, unless specified otherwise when relaying casting details. Even if you have to give your shoes a bit of a scrub and your hair a bit of a brush, your neat appearance will make all the difference!' 

Thanks Anna!

So, let's summarise:

- Punctuality
- Manners
- Confidence/Preparation
- Neat appearance

Also bear in mind, your presence at a casting will reflect on us as an agency and we have a lot of trust in our members to help us maintain our strong ties with our clients. If you have any questions at all pertaining to a casting, we are always happy to help. Remember, preparation and punctuality is key! XX

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Should I take advantage of unpaid work?

AT2 is a great space for interacting with the future leaders of the entertainment world. Everyone needs to start somewhere, and more often than not - they need our help. Opportunities are endless with upcoming directors, photographers, independent clothing labels, independent music labels, boutique companies, university students and charity organisations using AT2 as a platform to find suitable talent for their projects. 

Messages that you receive in your Brief Inbox (in AT2) will always be from non-paying clients and will always stipulate 'NON-PAID project' on the brief. These will be from AT2 (not us) and you need to contact the client directly for further information. For all paid work opportunities you will be contacted directly by the Bettina office.(Refer to this blog post for more: Casting 101).

Even though there is no money involved, there are many benefits to participating in unpaid work:

1. Experience and resume building

2. Confidence building 
3. Attending auditions helps to improve skills so you can learn to nail it every time
4. Keepsakes in the forms of photographs, videos, music clips for bragging rights and your own hall of fame!

Here are some beautiful examples of just some of the unpaid work our talent have been involved in this year:

AT2 is a secure and trusted site. All potential clients undergo security and working with children checks required by law. If you ever have concerns or questions about a particular client or job offer, don't forget that we are here to guide you through the processes. We are here to give our advice about age appropriate projects, content you are unsure of and things like time expectations for filming/shooting to ensure you are partaking in what will promise to be a highly enjoyable experience. 

At the completion of any such project, we would love to hear from you if we haven't already. Please send any Behind the Scenes shots or completed works to: and be sure to add it to your child's profile for maximum exposure. You can check out this post on AT2 photo uploading or this post on AT2 video and resume uploading for assistance if required.  

Video above: Special thanks to (in order of appearance) Amelia, Annalise and Ella all Brianna Lehrke Photography, L'oreal Fashion Festival 'How to be a Fashionista' expo with (L-R) Mia, Amber, Mimi & Tyler, followed by Imani, Isaac and Joey for Brianna Lehrke Photography, Jonathon in the paper for a short film, Jonathon in a still from a music video clip for Rufus - Take Me, Romani shooting a short film, Shakaya for RMIT fashion shoot, Shalyn for Caitlin Morey Photography and Mariam for papier mache magazine.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Casting 101 - Part 1 of 3


The notice we receive for castings can vary from a few days to a few hours. To meet our client’s expectations we always try as best as possible to fulfill their needs and requirements, in turn, we are exceptionally grateful to the mums and dads who make these short notice castings possible.

We will always call both parents as first mode of contact; we will leave a voicemail followed by a text if no one answers (also bear in mind we call from a blocked number). All castings are considered urgent. 

You will receive a text message such as the one to the right:

If the casting is for today or tomorrow the message will say:

‘Please call Amanda regarding a casting request for your child ASAP. Phone Bettina Management on 1300 888 611.’

Please treat all casting correspondence with a sense of urgency even if the message does not stipulate what day the casting is. We still need to get back to the client as soon as possible with the confirmed children. Upon not hearing back from you, we will have to let the client know you are unavailable and proceed to choose other children in your place so it is always in your best interest to call us back ASAP so that you don’t miss out.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you receive all relevant information about the casting – after speaking to you on the phone, we will email you all the information including date, time, address, map (if applicable), and other relevant information you need to be aware of prior to attending. If you do not receive this email, please contact us immediately! We don’t know that you haven’t received the email unless you tell us. This is also not a plausible excuse if you fail to attend the casting based on the premise that you didn't receive the details. 

If you cannot make a casting due to illness/ changed circumstances you will need to let us know immediately. 

Please refer to/ refresh your memory with this blog post on First Casting Jitters to help with preparation once your casting has been confirmed!